28.11.2023, Dienstag 10:00 – 13:00 Uhr
Prendre la Parole #2
- Extended Library der HFBK Hamburg
- mehr Infos
Speaking, Reading & Writing Sessions as a feminist and empowering practice
Sessions are open to all genders.
How do we speak about ourselves as artists, curators and cultural workers? How can we learn from each other about our situatedness, our caring networks – and about the factors, be they emotions, working conditions, or the global situation, that influence our production?
In the series Prendre la parole Laura Mahnke is offering an open series of weekly session to talk, read and write together in the Extended Library. The sessions are open to any topic or experimental exercises to think and try collective working practices and reflecting about it.
For any proposal regarding topics or formats contact: Instagram@_laura_mahnke