Jahresausstellung 2021: Prof. Dr. Nora Sternfeld
PUBLIC ONLINE TALK: What is Para-Educational Research?
Freitag 12.2.2021, 17.00 – 19.00 (MEZ/CET)
Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88955656236?pwd=YnpsZXpzMnN6Yllwa0FxTU5zZDh5QT09
Meeting-ID: 889 5565 6236
Kenncode: gEq074
Prof: Dr. Nora Sternfeld, Dr. Anja Steidinger
How can we learn something that doesn’t exist yet? On the one hand this sounds like a paradox, but isn’t it actually what research and education are all about? In the last years several educational, artistic and curatorial endeavours have developed practices of collaborative research and study. In an online panel we share and discuss such strategies of knowledge production as reflexive explorations, interventions, investigations and imaginations.
After trying to understand what para-educational research could mean, we show a collaboratively produced short-film, that is based on art-educational research and discuss potentials, problems and gaps of the collaborative research process.
with Nora Sternfeld, Anja Steidinger, Nanne Buurman and Lorena Vicini