22.8.2020, 17:00 Uhr
hhintersection: Queer Biology: Re-imagining collective, multi-species, BIPOC survival
- Online www.us02web.zoom.us/j/88064587208
Online Workshop with Tiffany Jaeyeon Shin
How do we denaturalize the primacy of heteronormativity and white supremacy in biomedical sciences? How can we look towards models of collectivity in ecology (fungi, lichens) and in sociality (indigenous farmers, Black Lives Matter) for queer, fugitive survival?
"Queer Biology: Re-imagining collective, multi-species, BIPOC survival" virtual workshop will be comprised of three parts: a biology presentation, a writing workshop, and an open discussion. We will destabilize the biomedical definition of immunity as an individual relinquished from the responsibilities of all. Instead, we will explore and define new models of co-existence, common survival, and immunity during times of monoculturalism and microbiopolitics of COVID-19.
Zoom Link: www.us02web.zoom.us/j/88064587208
22. August 2020
17:00 PM CEST (11:00 AM NY time)
Tiffany Jaeyeon Shin (www.jaeyeonshin.com) is an artist based in Brooklyn, NY. Shin explores how the living body is not only an ecology reproduced by constituent forces - affects, molecules, microbes, animacies, tissues, cells, energies, and other particles - but also an assemblage crosscut by technological, economic, and environmental forces that render the body vulnerable as they reproduce its conditions of possibility. Maintaining a practice focused on queer sociality and sensorial ecology, collaborators include scientists, microbiologists, SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast), fungal spores, fermented proteins, indigenous mold microorganism, leaf mold, and other organic membranes.