Diversity at the HFBK Hamburg
Diversity refers to the diversity of an organisation or society in terms of various individual or structural dimensions such as social and cultural background and affiliation, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, mental and health impairment, but also religion and family background.
Internationality, polyphony and diversity characterize the HFBK Hamburg to a particular degree. The diversity of its members is valued, respectfully lived and promoted, as it is inspiration, opportunity and benefit at the same time for an art school.
The university's already firmly established equal opportunities work is continually being expanded to include diversity-oriented aspects. All advice services are intended to be open to everyone and are to be continually expanded. Participation and suggestions are always welcome!
Policies and more
- Anti-Discrimination Policy HFBK Hamburg
- Guideline against gender-based discrimination and sexual violence at the HFBK Hamburg
- In 2014, the HFBK Hamburg received an »audit familiengerechte Hochschule« (family-friendly university audit) certificate from Berufundfamilie gGmbH, an initiative of the not-for-profit Hertie-Stiftung foundation. Re-certification took place in 2017, in 2020 the consolidation.
- Recommendations for the use of gender-sensitive language at HFBK Hamburg (available only in German language)
- The Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg is delighted to have achieved the top position in the CEWS University Ranking for Gender Equality 2023, which is the result of the current eleventh edition of this established and long-standing quality assurance tool for gender equality at universities. With 8 out of a possible 8 points, the HFBK Hamburg once again leads the table of Germany's 39 universities of the arts after 2019, this time holding its own in ranking group 1.
- In November 2018 the HFBK was one of the first signatories of the Hamburger Erklärung der VIELEN (Hamburg Declaration). The VIELEN are a dialogue-oriented network of artists and cultural practitioners with a clear commitment to openness and freedom in art.
- We are currently developing a conceptual diversity guideline for the HFBK Hamburg.
Contact and counselling service for anti-discrimination and diversity issues
We want to be the contact point for your questions, concerns and complaints. Please do not hesitate to contact us. The exchange of information is of course confidential.
The following contact persons are at your disposal:
Overview of the contact persons.
Delegate for equality for administrative staff
Vice President, area of responsibility International+Diversity
Psychosocial Counselling
Diversity Officer
Psychosocial Counseling Services of the HFBK Hamburg
The challenges of studying art are great and it is not uncommon to be confronted with difficulties and crises in everyday life beyond one's own artistic development process, which can be overwhelming. For this reason, starting summer semester 2023, the HFBK is maintaining Psychosocial Counseling Services, which are open to all students as a point of contact and initial counseling and can provide support with the following issues:
- in dealing with conflicts, crises and fears
- difficulties in working together with teachers and other students
- in situations of psychological stress
- identity and orientation problems
- in the case of experiences of discrimination (e.g. ableism, classism, anti-Semitism, racism, sexism).
The counseling sessions are free of charge, anonymous and confidential. They take place in German or English, as desired.
Open office hours
Tue 4-6 p.m. / Thu 12 -4 p
And appointments by arrangement (by phone or email)
You are also welcome to take advantage of a consultation if the issue is still unclear. We listen to you, support you in sorting out your thoughts and look for solutions together. If necessary, we will refer you to further offers.
Nina Arthkamp, diploma pedagogue / supervisor
Room K15
Phone: +49 40 42 89 89-211
Mail: ps.beratung@hfbk.hamburg.de
Studies and family
In 2014, the HFBK Hamburg received an »audit familiengerechte Hochschule« (family-friendly university audit) certificate from Berufundfamilie gGmbH, an initiative of the not-for-profit Hertie-Stiftung foundation. Re-certification took place in 2017. In the spirit of this audit, the HFBK aims to make working and study conditions progressively more family-friendly, and, in particular, to support students with children in combining family activities with studying. Numerous measures have already been implemented by the HFBK to achieve this. Please find an overview here.
More info on studying with children and child care can be found here: Studierendenwerk Hamburg and Familienbüro der Uni Hamburg
Supplementary ID card of dgti
Personal documents do not always match one's own personal details: As long as the change of name and/or personal status has not yet been achieved, it is possible for all trans*, inter* and non-binary persons to have their self-chosen first name and other self-chosen personal data recognized with a dgti supplementary identity card.
The HFBK Hamburg recognizes the supplementary ID card in all application, hiring and admission procedures. This also applies to the course of studies and graduation at the HFBK Hamburg (e.g. student ID, certificates and other mentions in online communication). The supplementary ID card can also be used to subsequently change the entry in the Students Office (for students) and/or Human Resources (for employed students and staff).
In combination with an official identity card, the dgti supplementary identity card is an identity document recognized by the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI). It contains all self-selected personal data as well as a current passport photo.The supplementary ID card can be applied for here, even if the process of a change of personal status is not being sought at all.
Recommendations for the use of gender-sensitive language at HFBK Hamburg
The members of the Hamburg University of Fine Arts - students, professors and staff - are a plural community in which different interests, perspectives and experiences meet. We see this fact as an opportunity and an enrichment. Our goal is to offer a non-discriminatory space in which respectful, professional and appreciative interaction is practiced.
This includes a sensitive approach to our language, because it is an important tool for conveying differentiated role models and avoiding discrimination of all kinds. Gender-sensitive language can contribute to an appreciative address of all persons.
In order to ensure reflective communication between all university members and to ensure respectful addressing of all persons - female, male, trans, intergender and non-binary - or to include them in our language, these recommendations have been developed.
Download the Recommendations for the use of gender-sensitive language at HFBK Hamburg (available only in German language)
The HFBK actively supports international student exchanges. The large number of partner universities included in the EU’s exchange programme Erasmus+ enables a high degree of international mobility. Students receive particularly generous support within the framework of the Art School Alliance.
The proportion of foreign students, who come not only from Europe, but especially from China, Korea and South America, is traditionally very high at the HFBK Hamburg and currently stands at 30%. Please find here more info.
Advice available for students
Some situations require a trusting exchange with others and professional support. For this purpose we have put together various counseling services, such as the student telephone counseling service, contact with trained psychotherapists at the psychological counseling centre of the University of Hamburg or the "shift" programme for drop-outs. Please find them here.
More links concerning diversity and equality
• The Hamburg Center for Gender & Diversity offers numerous courses on women's and gender studies for students at the participating universities. You can find more information here or at the Zentrum Gender & Diversity, Universität Hamburg
HFBK events in the framework of diversity and equality
• Exhibition series „Folgendes“
• Professionalization program at the HFBK
• Lecture series »Cross-Cultural Challenges«, part of the program Artistic and Cultural Orientation for asylum seekers and refugees
• hhintersection is a mediation platform, which as an internet site, through performances, workshops and exhibitions focuses on issues of diversity and promotes experimental learning formats in the art school and beyond.
• Talks and symposia with thematic reference under http://mediathek.hfbk.net and www.podcampus.de/channels/nJNYn
Anti-discrimination complaints office (for employees and applicants)
Contact: Janina Heller
Selected events in SoSe 2023
- Archives of Bodies – the body as archive, Seminar of Prof. Dr. Hanne Loreck
- Mothers, Seminar of Prof. Dr. Hanne Loreck
- Politics of Difference I: Race, Seminar of Prof. Dr. Samo Tomšič
- The Educational Web, Seminar of Prof. Dr. Nora Sternfeld
- Ta gueule! Echoes of collective Screaming, Seminar of Eve Larue und Julia Stolba
- Face Conflicts. Working against anti-Semitism and racism as an artistic practice, Workshop of Prof. Dr. Nora Sternfeld, Prof. Dr. Anja Steidinger and Julia Stolba in cooperation with students of the HFBK
- Critical (Art) College, Seminar of Prof. Dr. Tom Holert
- COLLECTIVE ART LABORATORY, Seminar of Prof. Reza Afisina, Prof. Iswanto Hartono
- Mute/Unmute, Podcast ofProf. Dr. Astrid Mania
- more courses als at Center Gender & Diversity