Advice available for students
Studying also means being able to constantly motivate yourself afresh and organize yourself. So, what do you do if that doesn’t work out?
There are a number of people you can contact about any concerns within the university. These contact persons offer confidential advice in the event of problems, if studies are proving challenging or you encounter personal difficulties, exam anxieties, doubts, personal crises, conflicts, financial emergencies, disruptions to your study work, isolation or contact difficulties, identity crises or any other difficult situations.
Aliaksandra Petrusevich, Student Office
Room: Wa 15, 04a
Phone : +49 40 42 89 89 - 363
Opening Hours
Tuesday and thursday 10-12 o'clock and 1-3 pm
and by appointment
- Central advice service for administrative and organizational questions relating to application and studying at HFBK Hamburg
For prospective students: Application process, admission requirements, programme structure, guest studies, etc.
For all students: Re-registration, semester spent on leave, recognition of academic achievements, de-registration, etc.
For international students: Support with questions about staying and studying in Germany
- Receiving and issuing of applications and documents
- Providing semester documents and certificates
- Change of name and contact details
- Reference to other services and contact persons at HFBK Hamburg
Student advice telephone line
Tel. (040) 411 70 411 – daily from 20.00 to 24.00
Hamburg crisis hotline
Support for acute mental health crises. Telephone counseling late in the evening, at weekends and on public holidays.
Tel. (040) 428 11 3000
Equality representative
The Delegate for equality is at the disposal of all students regarding issues of gender discrimination, harassment or sexual violence, and also regarding matters relating to a family-friendly art university, studying art with a child, and reconciling study and family.
For all other concerns regarding discrimination, unfair treatment or other conflict situations the persons of trust are there to help you.
Trust committee of workshop supervisors
Members will be available to HFBK students in the event of disagreements on workshop use and access.
Contact and counselling service for anti-discrimination and diversity issues
We want to be the contact point for your questions, concerns and complaints. Please do not hesitate to contact us. The exchange of information is of course confidential.
The following contact persons are at your disposal:
Overview of the contact persons.
Diversity officer
Anti-Semitism officer
Representatives for the interests of students with disabilities
The representatives for the interests of students with disabilities are the contact point for prospective students, applicants and students with long-term or permanent health impairments. Katrin Nöprick and Laura Kowalewski advise and support you in all impairment-related matters concerning study orientation, application and study.
Psychosocial Counseling Service of the HFBK Hamburg
The challenges of studying art are great and it is not uncommon to be confronted with difficulties and crises in everyday life beyond one's own artistic development process, which can be overwhelming. For this reason, starting this summer semester, the HFBK is maintaining Psychosocial Counseling Services, which are open to all students as a point of contact and initial counseling and can provide support with the following issues:
- in dealing with conflicts, crises and fears
- difficulties in working together with teachers and other students
- in situations of psychological stress
- identity and orientation problems
- in the case of experiences of discrimination (e.g. ableism, classism, anti-Semitism, racism, sexism).
You are also welcome to take advantage of a consultation if the issue is still unclear. We listen to you, support you in sorting out your thoughts and look for solutions together. If necessary, we will refer you to further offers.
The counselling sessions are free of charge, anonymous and confidential. They take place in German or English, as desired.
Open office hours in the semester
Tue 4-6 p.m. / Thu 12 -2 p.m.
(cancelled on 15/10, 24/10, 05/12)
and appointments by arrangement.
Nina Arthkamp, diploma pedagogue / advisor (Supervisorin DGSv)
Room K15
Phone: +49 40 42 89 89-211
More psychological counselling centres
at the Uni Hamburg (also for students of the HFBK and the HfMT)
The psychotherapists at the Student Advice Centre are particularly familiar with issues related to living as a student. Students can go to them with personal issues that are impacting on their studies.
Psychiatric outpatient departments of the hospitals e.g. Psychiatric Acute Outpatient Department of the Schön Klinik, Dehnhaide 120, Tel: 2092-1410, nachts: 2092-2911
Pathways to psychotherapy
Information of the Chamber of Psychotherapistsr: Find a therapist and the brochure Pathways to therapy and via Pro Psychotherapie e.V.
Appointment allocation office of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians with doctors or psychotherapists
Further external advisory services
Counselling centre for victims of right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence
Basis und Woge e.V.
Independent anti-discrimination counselling
Opferhilfe Hamburg
Counselling for violence and trauma