Students Committee (AStA)
The »Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss« (short: AStA) is the elected committee attending to all students' interests.
Please see announcements at beginning of each semester.
We meet every tuesday at 6 pm at our room.
- AStA of the HFBK Hamburg
- Room:41 Le
Phone: +49 40 428 898-317
Phone: +49 40 229 08 41
The Student Committee (AStA) is the executive student body elected by the Student Parliament for a term of one year and represents the interests of all students. The AStA articulates student interests to the university, organizes events and offers seminars. The range of events and seminars varies greatly from semester to semester, as it depends on the self-organization of the students.
The student parliament is elected every year in November by all students and consists only of students. The turnout is usually between 5 and 15 percent. The student parliament then elects the AStA.
If you are interested in standing up for other students and their concerns, the AStA is the first place to go. If there are already concrete interests, we show the corresponding committee here:
- Participate in the awarding of scholarships by the HFBK jury,
- the framework of the AG Internationales,
- or in the quality assessment of teaching and administration of the HFBK AG Quality Assurance.