AG Internationales
The members of the »AG Internationales« (working group on international matters) are chosen by the university senate, and are appointed for the period of a year, beginning at the start of the summer semester.
Under the chairpersonship of vice-president Prof. Ingo Offermanns, the AG Internationales makes decisions on the awarding of the following advancement awards and prizes for the year:
- the Achievement Grant Awards »Matching Funds«
- the DAAD prize for exceptional achievement by non-German students
- the exhibition exchange project with Goldsmiths, University of London
- the International Mobility Support Fund (Art School Alliance)
Members for the summer semester 2025 and the winter semester 2025/26
- Prof. Ingo Offermanns (Vorsitz)
- Prof. Dr. Astrid Mania (Theorie und Geschichte, stv. Vorsitz)
- Prof. Johanna Dehio (Design)
- Prof. Jason Dodge / Prof. Thomas Demand (Bildhauerei)
- Prof. Kerstin Brätsch (Malerei/Zeichnen)
- Prof. Kader Attia (Zeitbezogene Medien)
- Prof. Omer Fast (Film)
- Ulyana Kalenik (stud. Vertretung)
- Yelyzaveta Musiienko/Daryna Kuzmina (stud. Vertretung)
Dates SuSe 2025 and WiSe 2025/26
- 15.05.2025, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.: Awarding ASA-Stipendien SuSe 2026
- 13.11.2025, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.: Awarding ASA-Stipendien WS 2026/27 + Goldsmiths-Ausstellung
- 22.01.2026, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.: Awarding Leistungsstipendien internat. Studierende + DAAD-Preis