Archive of the University of Fine Arts Hamburg
The archive of the University of Fine Arts Hamburg
Room K59a Le
Opening times by arrangement
Contact - Head of Library
- tba
- Julia Mummenhoff, Requests
- Phone: +49 40 42 89 89-213
The development of the archive of the Hamburg University of Fine Arts began in the 1990s, starting with student and personnel files from around 1900 to 1945, which were still preserved after the destruction of the building in the Second World War. Since then, all documents relating to the university have been collected. In addition to the personnel and student files, the constantly expanding holdings include documentation of artists, collections of writings, graphics, photographs and films, a press archive and a library of reference material. Special focal points are the development of the institution, documents on former students and teachers as well as the documentation of teaching.
Among other things, the archive has an extensive collection of teaching materials dating back to the 19th century. These include valuable portfolios as well as high-quality photographs and photo series by pioneers of their field such as Giorgio Sommer, the Alinari brothers or Jean Laurent on various artistic, cultural, geographical and scientific topics that served as templates in teaching. They provide information about the development of artistic and design education at the predecessor institutions of this university and are works of art in their own right, not least because of their elaborate production processes. Rarities from this collection are exhibited at regular intervals in the library's display cases. A selection of the template folders has been digitised with the support of the Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky State and University
The archive of the Hamburg University of Fine Arts supports academic and artistic work in research and teaching. It is used by academics, doctoral students and students, journalists, museums and archives for their research and makes important contributions to publications and exhibitions. The enquiries in turn enrich the archive with new insights and contexts, for example on the development of women's artistic education, on Nazi history, on special events, or on former students and teachers. These expanded records are also published in the university's own publications Materialverlag and articles in the university’s magazine Lerchenfeld. A recent example of this is the publication by Dr. Hanne Loreck, Professor of Art and Cultural Studies at at the Hamburg State School of Arts and Crafts, Sissy Stuff, Mainly Needlepoint – Anni Albers an der Staatlichen Kunstgewerbeschule zu Hamburg (2022).