21. – 23.11.2023
LOOP Fair 2023
- Hotel Almanac Barcelona
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Love Affair
Katja Aufleger u.a.
In the video Love Affair by Katja Aufleger, inside a totally dark interior space, different customary light bulbs appear successively, shining, just to get shot one after another. The fixed camera provides a single view only. You don’t get to know who is shooting but it sounds like an air rifle. It might be near. It might be the artist who’s shooting. The only information you get is some commodities getting destroyed by a hidden unspecific shooter. Objects employed in order to illuminate spaces and environments become targets. Some lights simply go out whilst others crash. Depending on the properties of the material, it is shattered by the first round or progressively shot to pieces. Broken pieces of glass smashing on the floor suggest a vague notion of a void impossible to define by the given limits of perception.