11.12.2019, 14:00 Uhr
Lecture by Andrea Meenken: Working and freelancing while studying – an info session for international students
- HFBK Hamburg, Wartenau 15, Seminarraum
Due to a limited work permit, international students have to consider several regulations when working in Germany, especially, when it comes to freelancing activities. This info session (bzw. lecture) gives important information on both the German Social Security System and the work permit. It informs about the rights and obligations of international students and gives advice on how to avoid typical pitfalls.
Andrea Meenken holds a diploma in Social Work as well as a Master in International Migration and Intercultural Relations. She has 18 years of experience as a counsellor for students, especially international students. Since 2009 she works as social counsellor and is in charge of international affairs at Studierendenwerk Hamburg.