2.6.2020, 18:00 Uhr
folgenD*: Nika Fontaine: Spirituality in Art
Nika Fontaine perceives the spiritual emancipation of the self as a participatory step and duty toward the edification of universal wellbeing. Therefore, her practise extends beyond art into entrepreneurship and regenerative community development with the project Aurigin. Fontaine says about her work: „My interest in spiritual philosophies and traditions helps me crystalize the impermanent nature of my feelings and perceptions by formulating a belief system that brings order and trace a path to growth." Fontaine uses art as a tool to define her existential experience and identity while rendering this process accessible as an inspiration source for those who wish to listen to her story.
The lecture, and Q&A will be held in English, the moderation has Annett Stenzel. Follow our link to participate digitally via bbb, or come and visit us in the FOLGENDES room in the HFBK! We will open its doors, taking into account the necessary hygiene regulations, for those who would like to physically share a room again and want to have a drink together! (10-15 people. We may have a projection, but please bring your mobile devices and headphones)