Anmeldung: Tanz- und theaterpädagogisches Empowerment Training
- Seminarraum Wartenau
The workshop will take place from 14-16.01.2022 from 13-19 h, registration deadline is 15 December 2021.
Racism is a social reality and is part of the everyday experience and lifeworld of black people and people of colour. In this workshop we want to reflect on these power relations in the context of the HFBK Hamburg. What institutional or informal hurdles do BIPoC students encounter? What conflicts arise in this context? What opportunities for development are there within these framework conditions? How can the scope for action be expanded and racism be countered in everyday university life? We want to explore these questions together with biographical and theatre pedagogical methods. The focus is on the exchange in the group process of existing experiences, individual strategies and knowledge against racism and discrimination. The focus is on developing collective strategies for action based on concrete everyday experiences.
Target group: Students of the HFBK with experience of racism.
Conducted by: Sebastian Fleary, graduate pedagogue, theatre pedagogue, freelance trainer for empowerment, political and political-historical educational work & Aki Krishnamurthy, PhD in political science, dance and theatre pedagogue, empowerment trainer, https://koerperdialoge.org/
Location: Seminar room Wartenau
Participation: Max. 20 persons. Confirmation will be made in the order of binding registration by e-mail. There will be a reserve list.
Registration: until 15 December 2021 by e-mail to Bärbel Hartje.
Workshop language: German, if necessary also English possible